Flying House


The flying house is a four-bedroom family villa situated on the rising hills at the foot of the mighty Dhauladhar range of the Himalayas....

Tower House


The Tower House is a multi-generational home on a peculiar wedge-shaped site, on the end of a row of semi-detached buildings in New Delhi...

Polyclinic for the Destitute

Delhi, 2011

In the heart of the old city of Delhi, on the edge of the railway line, sandwiched between a masjid and remains of a burnt slum, somethin...

Twist & Shout (Winner Entry)

Rotterdam, Nederland, 2010

The design is as simple as a twisted strip of paper. The easy twists of the street furniture create a smooth and fluid curve. Spurting ou...

Shantanu & Nikhil

New Delhi, 2010

Design Concept The concept of the shop is derived from an architectural competition that the office participated ...

A House

New Delhi, 2010

These two houses are located in the Himalayan district of Kangra at the base of the Grand Dhauladhar mountain Range.  In this highly...

Plus House

New Delhi, 2009

This is a house on the outskirts of Delhi for a couple and their 2 year old son. The special volume of the building is simply arranged, w...

Suneet Varma

New Delhi, 2009

Located in a new luxury mall among top international and Indian designer shops the client wanted his store to make a strong design statem...

Dental College

New Delhi, 2009

There is something special about teaching hospitals that make them different from other institutions. The Dental College of Jamia had the...

M.F. Hussain Art Gallery

New Delhi, 2008

Jamia University is popularly regarded as a progressive avant garde campus.  In 2008, the vice chancellor proposed a new cultural hu...

Castro Cafe

New Delhi, 2008

Design Concept A Cafeteria in a University Campus located near Auditorium, Cultural Center, Mass communication, w...

Children's Playground

Gurgaon, 2004

We approached the creation of the playground a story where the children could redefine the storyline through the kinetic dynamics of the ...

Volvo Eicher Headquarter


The corporate headquarters of the newly formed joint ventures - ‘Volvo-Eicher’ is designed to be a state of the art steel building for th...

Stratford Kiosk (Competition Entry)

London, Great Britain

In the view of the 2012 London Olympics, the competition brief asked to design a pavilion and kiosks in the Meridian Town Centre of Strat...